The Art of Real Sourdough: Why Time Matters

In today’s world, where speed and convenience often take precedence, instant solutions are readily available. However, at Bread Funatics, it is understood that certain things, such as sourdough bread, cannot be rushed. Understanding the Unique Qualities of Sourdough...

Fund Raising – Let us feed more people in need

What triggered the Fund Raiser for Share A Bread The Fund Raiser for Share A bread was triggered by the need to help more unfortunate people in Cebu.It was late in the evening of June 24th when we stumbled into a facebook post, a cry for help, from residents of...

Unsung Hero: Neighbor Shannon

This week, we would like to pay homage to one of our unsung heroes, or heroines for that matter, Shannon. Shannon is a friendly face in the neighborhood. She does the online shopping for our butter and banana which all go in the baking. She has a fluffy dog, too.As...